Full stack Web Development Bootcamp course (Free share)

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Complete Web Designing Course | Web-Development BootCamp


Complete Web Designing Course with HTML CSS JavaScript, SEO.jQuery, Web Templates, Layout | Web-Development BootCamp. Source: Udemy.com

27 hours on-demand video
55 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access

Complete Web Designing Course | Web-Development BootCamp
Complete Web Designing Course | Web-Development BootCamp Source: Udemy.com

“What you’ll learn
• You can learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SEO, Complete Website and Web Templates Creation
• You will be able to develop an attractive Website template
• Website Structure and Layout, Complex as well simple (Bad and Good Design)
• You will learn to solve different problems using JavaScript
• Website SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
• Ability to create responsive and visually appealing web pages using HTML and CSS.
• Understanding of key web design principles such as typography, layout, and color theory.
• Familiarity with the latest web design trends and techniques.
• Ability to optimize web pages for search engines using on-page and off-page SEO strategies.” Source: Udemy.com

Source: #udemy Link đăng ký miễn phí vĩnh viễn dành cho 120 đăng ký đầu tiên trong hôm nay (free for 120 enrolls today): https://www.udemy.com/course/master-classes-for-web-design-course-html-css-js-seo/?couponCode=21FE17BC2C353031AA1A

Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application 2023

Mega Web Development Course
Mega Web Development Course

Learn to create advanced websites using, html, css, javascript, python, django, aws – Full stack front-end, back-end dev

What you’ll learn

  • “Having enough knowledge to create ANY kind of websites and web applications.
  • Building over 20 small project for your portfolio, and ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • Creating one master project which includes, product system, user system, brands, categories, admin panel and …
  • Master front-end by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Master back-end by using Python and Django.
  • Work as a freelancer web developer.
  • Able to use and work with AWS.
  • Master the latest, popular and most demanded programming skills.” source: udemy.com

Link đăng ký miễn phí vĩnh viễn dành cho 120 đăng ký đầu tiên trong hôm nay (free for 120 enrolls today), 22/4/2023: https://www.udemy.com/course/mega-web-development-course-fullstack-javascript-python-django-backend/?couponCode=HAMVATAN

The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)

Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (HTML, CSS, JavaScript,jQuery, Web Templates, PHP, MySQL,MySQLi, with Source Code). Source: udemy.com

The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp
The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (39 hours). Source: udemy.com

39 hours on-demand video
57 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access

What you’ll learn

  • “You will learn frontend and backend with practical examples and exercises
  • You will be able how to setup and Install MySQL Database server. And make connection with Database
  • You will be able to Learn PHP as backend language that is important as well as most used programming language.
  • You will be able to learn HTML, CSS with Practical. Also discussed different properties of HTML and CSS.
  • You will learn How to use CSS different properties like margin, padding, float, background etc
  • You will learn How to use HTML in website like to comments, to use CSS in HTML, etc
  • You will learn PHP Extension that is MySQLi, which have different methods to perform different operations.
  • You will learn how to create CRUD type of application using PHP
  • You will learn to Create Complete CMS System using PHP and MySQLi
  • You will learn to Manage Session for Application
  • The student will learn how to debug and troubleshoot common issues that can arise in web development, which is an essential skill for any web developer.
  • The student will learn how to connect to databases, query data, and manipulate records using languages such as MySQL.
  • The student will learn how to develop and deploy web applications.” source: udemy.com

Link đăng ký miễn phí vĩnh viễn dành cho 120 đăng ký đầu tiên trong hôm nay (free for 120 enrolls today): https://www.udemy.com/course/2022-the-master-in-web-development-backend-frontend/?couponCode=C55136F0DD78949BE554

Full stack Web Development Bootcamp course complete guide

Web development, Learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, Nodejs, MongoDB, API development, React JS & more by building 26+ projects

Full stack Web Development Bootcamp course complete guide - share by ChiasePremium
Full stack Web Development Bootcamp course complete guide – share by ChiasePremium

Source: udemy.com

Giới thiệu chung về khoá học

Khóa học này đầy đủ nội dung cho bất kỳ ai muốn học phát triển web vào năm 2022, bao gồm tất cả các công nghệ mới nhất mà bạn sẽ cần biết để xây dựng các trang web và ứng dụng web hiện đại ngày nay.

Khoá học bắt đầu bằng cách các bài học về HTML, CSS và JavaScript, những công nghệ cơ bản của web. Sau đó sẽ chuyển sang các chủ đề nâng cao hơn như React, Node js và MongoDB. Kết thúc khóa học, bạn có thể xây dựng thành công 26 dự án web khác nhau, từ một trang web đơn giản đến một ứng dụng web hoàn chỉnh.

Khóa học này được thiết kế để bạn xây dựng hồ sơ năng lực của riêng bạn hoặc phát triển sự nghiệp mới, trở thành một nhà phát triển web chuyên nghiệp. Bạn không cần có bất kỳ kinh nghiệm nào trước đó về phát triển hoặc lập trình trang web vì khóa học này được thiết kế theo cách mà bạn có thể thực hiện được ngay cả khi bạn không có kiến ​​thức về lập trình. 

Tất cả các bài học đều được giải thích một cách dễ hiểu với các hướng dẫn từng bước, video hướng dẫn và ví dụ thực hành. 

Nội dung chính của khoá học:

“What you’ll learn

  • Build 26+ projects plus new project every week
  • Build real world Authentication app from scratch
  • Build full-stack web applications from scratch
  • Build a blog application from scratch using Node, Express, and MongoDB.
  • Master Node JS module system
  • Build your own typing game app using vanilla Javascript
  • Build book API using only Node js file system
  • Build Employees database using MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Build your first basic portfolio project
  • Build beautiful and responsive website for book directory website using html/css/js
  • Build your own Youtube search app using html/css/js
  • Build Image Gallery App using Node js and mongodb
  • Build Full stack Book Directory app using html, css, javascript, node js, mongodb
  • Build Expenses Tracker Application using html, css and javascript
  • Build Music Finder app using html, css and javascript
  • Build a fulls tack Blog app using html, css, javascript, node js and mongodb
  • Build a Responsive Navbar from scratch
  • Build Book Directory API using Node js and Mongodb
  • Build Temperature Converter App using html, css and javascript
  • Build Image Expander App using html, css and javascript
  • Build modern responsive Blog website HTML Template using html, css and javascript
  • Build Student Grade Calculator using html, css and javascript
  • Build Task Manager App using html, css and javascript
  • Build Random Joke Generator using html, css and javascript
  • Build Counter App using html, css and javascript
  • Build Random User app using html, css and javascript
  • Build Alarm Clock App using html, css and javascript
  • Build very basic Quiz App using html, css and javascript
  • Build Background Color Changer app using html, css and javascript
  • Basic concepts of HTML and CSS
  • Learn how to build RESTful API using Node JS
  • Advance concepts of HTML and CSS
  • Introduction to Javascript
  • Learn how to make decision with code
  • Understand the basics of Github
  • Master Authentication & Authorization
  • Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript
  • Use common JS data structures like Arrays and Objects
  • Master how to make HTTP Request
  • Use Postman to develop and test APIs
  • Advanced topics in Javascript
  • Make REAL web applications using cutting-edge technologies
  • Use NPM to install all sorts of useful packages
  • Become a DOM (Document Object Model) Master
  • Understand JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects
  • Understand Javascript number methods
  • Master Express Js to build fast node js application
  • Master Mongodb and Mongoose
  • Understand import and export in Node JS
  • Learn how to upload file to cloudinary using Node js
  • Implement responsive navbars on websites
  • Master Database relationship
  • Understand and master Express js middleware
  • Master Asynchronous programming in JS
  • Master FLEXBOX to layout content easily
  • Learn how to deploy application easily
  • Learn how to use EJS template engine
  • Learn how to serve static file using node js
  • Learn how to use Bootstrap

This course is perfect for anyone looking to learn web development in 2022. It covers all the latest technologies and frameworks that you’ll need to know to build today’s modern websites and web applications.

We’ll start by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the fundamental technologies of the web. Then we’ll move on to more advanced topics like React, Node js, and MongoDB. By the end of the course, you’ll have built 26+ different projects ranging from a simple website to a fully-fledged web app.

This course is designed for you to build your own business or a new career, and become an expert web developer. You don’t need any previous experience in website development or programming as this course is designed in such a way that it can be done even if you have no coding or web development background.

It’s all explained in an easy to understand way with step by step instructions, video tutorials, and live examples. This is a hands-on course, where you get immediate access to every lesson,

So whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced web developer looking to stay up-to-date with the latest changes, this course is for you. Enrol now and let’s get started!

Who this course is for:

  • Have a computer with Internet
  • No knowledge in programming is required
  • Anyone interested to become a web developer
  • Beginner or advance programmers”

Source: udemy.com 

Link đăng ký: https://www.udemy.com/course/fullstack-web-development-course-projects-base/?couponCode=SUPPORT-NEEDY

Beginners Bootcamp | HTML CSS Coding for Website Development

[100%] Beginners Bootcamp | HTML CSS Coding for Website Development|Web Designing| Foundation for React JS, Bootstrap. source: udemy.com

  • 14 hours on-demand video
  • 1 practice test
  • Assignments
  • 22 downloadable resources

What you’ll learn

  • You will from basics, how to write code in HTML properly to design a website
  • You will learn how to design a website from basics level using HTML and CSS
  • You will learn Advance Coding for HTML5 and CSS3
  • You will learn how to Insert images, videos, audios and work on that in a web page
  • You will learn How to create a basic structure of website or web theme in HTML and CSS
  • You will learn Advance CSS, as transition, animation, 3d transform and 2d transform etc.
  • You will get HTML and CSS based Quiz at the End for your practice

source: udemy.com

Link đăng ký miễn phí vĩnh viễn dành cho 120 đăng ký đầu tiên trong hôm nay (free for 120 enrolls today), 28/3/2024:


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