Master Coding Interview: Data structures + Algorithms Free

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Master Coding Interview Data structures + Algorithms

Ultimate 36 Hour coding interview bootcamp. Get the job you want!

  • 39 hours on-demand video
  • 26 articles
  • 99 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access


Master Coding Interview :Data structures + Algorithms
Master Coding Interview :Data structures + Algorithms Free
  • “Data structures that are used frequently, such as arrays, hash tables, linked lists, binary trees, and graphs, among others.
  • Actual Coding Interview Questions from Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, and Other Major Companies Such as Microsoft and Others
  • Both Time and Space The difficulty of the algorithms, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the logic used to solve the problems.
  • Code Implementation in Javascript.

Once you have been granted an interview with a reputable technology business, the sole factor that will determine whether or not you are offered your ideal position as a Software Engineer is how well you perform in the coding interviews.

Take one problem at a time and fully grasp how to solve it. Then, repeat this process for a large number of problems so that you have sufficient tools and approaches in your armory to face and conquer any coding interview. This is the only way to pass the coding interview with flying colors. This is what I want to accomplish for you for the duration of this class.

This course will provide you with a daily objective in the form of DAILY CODING CHALLENGES so that you can keep track of your progress. You’ll be well-prepared for coding interviews and additional practice on your own with Leetcode if you don’t skip a single day of this course and if you keep consistent with your efforts throughout it.

The course begins with a review of the fundamentals, including a discussion of Big O analysis. Next, we move on to cover the most common data structures, and finally, we talk about real-world issues that are encountered in large technology companies like Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, and others.

Regarding Each Question, the Following Is Discussed:

1. The line of reasoning or strategy that will allow us to handle this issue in the most effective way possible

2. The difficulty of the solution with regard to both time and space

3. Implement the Fix Using JavaScript ( You can follow along in any coding language of your choice)

This course also provides you with a variety of downloadable materials, trackers to help you stay motivated, and cheat sheets to make the process of preparing for a coding interview as easy as possible.


  • DAY 1: Arrays Data Structures and Algorithms
    Data Structures Introduction
    Big O
    DS: Arrays Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1: Sorted Squared Array
    Coding Interview Q2: Monotonic Array
  • DAY 2: Arrays Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Rotate Array
    Coding Interview Q2:Container with most Water
  • DAY 3: Hash Tables Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Hash Tables Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1: Two Sum
    Coding Interview Q2:Isomorphic Strings
  • DAY 4: Recursion Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Fibonacci
    Coding Interview Q2:Power Sum
  • DAY 5: Recursion Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Permutations
    Coding Interview Q2:Power Set
  • DAY 6: String Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Strings Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1: Non repeating character
    Coding Interview Q2: Palindrome
  • DAY 7: String Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Longest Unique char Substring
    Coding Interview Q2: Group Anagrams
  • DAY 8: Searching Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Binary Search
    Coding Interview Q2: Search in Rotated Sorted array
  • DAY 9: Searching Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
    Coding Interview Q2: Search in 2D Array
  • DAY 10: Sorting Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Bubble Sort
    Coding Interview Q2: Insertion Sort
  • DAY 11: Sorting Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Selection Sort
    Coding Interview Q2: Merge Sort
  • DAY 12: Sorting Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Quick Sort
    Coding Interview Q2: Radix Sort
  • DAY 13: Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Linked List Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1:  Construct SLL
    Coding Interview Q2: delete duplicates
  • Day 14: Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1:  Reverse SLL
    Coding Interview Q2: Cycle Detection
  • DAY 15: Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: find duplicate number
    Coding Interview Q2: Add 2 numbers
  • DAY 16: Doubly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: DLL remove insert
    Coding Interview Q2: DLL remove all, insert at position
  • DAY 17: Stacks Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Stacks Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1:  Construct Stack
    Coding Interview Q2: Reverse Polish Notation
  • DAY 18: Queues Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Queues Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1: Construct Queue
    Coding Interview Q2: Implement Queue with Stack
  • DAY 19: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1: Construct BST
    Coding Interview Q2: Traverse BST (Breadth first and Depth first – Inorder, Preorder,Post order)
  • DAY 20: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Level Order traversal
    Coding Interview Q2: Left/Right View of binary tree
  • DAY 21: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Invert Binary Tree
    Coding Interview Q2: Diameter of binary tree
  • DAY 22: Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
    Coding Interview Q2: Validate BST
  • DAY 23: Heaps and Priority Queue Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Heaps Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1: Max Heap Construction
    Coding Interview Q2: min Priority Queue Construction
  • DAY 24: Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms
    DS: Graphs Crash Course
    Coding Interview Q1:  BFS – Adj List and Adj Matrix
    Coding Interview Q2: DFS – Iterative and Recursive
  • DAY 25: Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms
    Coding Interview Q1: Number of connected components
    Coding Interview Q2: Course Scheduler / Topological sort


Link đăng ký miễn phí vĩnh viễn (150 enrolls today), cập nhật 13/01/2023:

Data Structures Using Python 2024

Master Data Structures in Python: Unlock the Power of Efficient Programming! source:

Data Structures Using Python
Data Structures Using Python
  • 8 hours on-demand video
  • 5 coding exercises
  • 2 downloadable resources

“What you’ll learn

  • Beginner programmers: Those who have a basic understanding of Python and programming concepts but want to enhance their knowledge of data structures.
  • Intermediate programmers: Individuals who are familiar with Python and have some experience with data structures but want to strengthen their understanding
  • Computer science students: Students studying computer science or related fields who need to learn about data structures as part of their curriculum.
  • Software developers: Professionals working in the software development industry who want to improve their understanding of data structures
  • Self-learners: Individuals with a strong interest in programming and data structures who are motivated to learn on their own


  • Basic programming knowledge: It is typically expected that learners have a basic understanding of programming concepts and have some experience with Python programming language. This includes knowledge of variables, data types, loops, conditionals, and basic functions.
  • Familiarity with Python syntax: Learners should be comfortable with the syntax and basic usage of Python programming language, including knowledge of functions, modules, and libraries.


Master Data Structures in Python: Unlock the Power of Efficient Programming!

Welcome to the most comprehensive and highly rated data structures course on Udemy! If you’re a student searching for a data structures course that will truly elevate your programming skills, look no further. This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and expertise you need to excel in the world of data structures and algorithmic problem-solving.

In this course, we leave no stone unturned as we delve deep into the core concepts and practical implementations of essential data structures. From arrays and linked lists to stacks, queues, trees, and graphs, you’ll gain a solid foundation in each data structure and learn how to leverage their unique properties for optimal efficiency.

What sets this course apart? It’s simple. Our focus is on practicality and real-world applications. We understand that theory alone isn’t enough to excel as a programmer. That’s why we provide numerous hands-on coding exercises and projects that will put your newfound knowledge to the test. By solving real-world coding challenges, you’ll sharpen your problem-solving skills and develop the confidence to tackle complex programming tasks.

Here’s what you can expect from this course:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: We leave no stone unturned as we explore a wide range of data structures, including arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. You’ll learn the intricacies of each structure and gain a deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Hands-On Practice: Theory is important, but practice is crucial. Throughout the course, you’ll find an abundance of coding exercises and projects that will help solidify your understanding and hone your programming skills.
  3. Real-World Applications: Data structures are not abstract concepts—they are tools that can solve real-world problems. We provide real-life examples and demonstrate how to apply each data structure to practical scenarios, ensuring that you can bridge the gap between theory and practice.
  4. Expert Guidance: As an experienced instructor with a passion for teaching, I’ll guide you through every step of your learning journey. You can count on my support as you progress through the course, ensuring that you have a rich and rewarding learning experience.

By the end of this course, you’ll possess a deep understanding of data structures, algorithms, and their practical implementations. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle coding interviews, develop efficient software solutions, and excel in any programming challenge that comes your way.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become a Master of Data structures in Python. Enroll now, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

Happy Coding!!

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner programmers
  • Intermediate programmers
  • Computer science students
  • Software developers
  • Self-learners”


Link đăng ký miễn phí vĩnh viễn dành cho 120 đăng ký đầu tiên trong hôm nay (free for 120 enrolls today), ngày 23/2/2024:




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