Zero to Hero hands-on mastery on HTML5 JavaScript & ES6 | Free

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Zero to Hero hands-on mastery on HTML5 JavaScript & ES6

Become a pro HTML5 and modern JavaScript developer by implementing every concepts through project based learning.

Zero to Hero hands-on mastery on HTML5 JavaScript & ES6
Zero to Hero hands-on mastery on HTML5 JavaScript & ES6

What you’ll learn

  • You will learn everything about HTML5, JavaScript & ES6 with examples and projects
  • You will learn to apply various html tags in different scenarios
  • You learn different JavaScript and ES6 concepts with hands-on practical examples
  • You will learn the skill of debugging, finding issue and fixing them
  • You will learn the basics of web development
  • You will also learn to use different frontend development tools

Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to learn about frontend development and want to become a true Frontend Developer


Nội dung chính

If you have been considering learning web development or becoming a full-stack developer, then this is the course for you. It will not simply teach you, but rather make you implement each and every concept of HTML5, JavaScript, and ES6 like a professional. If you have been considering either of these options, then this is the course for you.

Through the completion of tasks, you will acquire knowledge of every concept.

This course will break that perception and will make you a developer by teaching you how to implement the concepts without the need for you to remember anything. Many students simply avoid frontend technologies because they believe it's not their cup of tea. However, this course will break that perception.

What exactly is ES6? The subsequent release of the JavaScript language. The construction of libraries and the provision of enhanced support for large applications are among the objectives for the ECMAScript 2015 standard, as is the use of ECMAScript as a compilation target for other languages. Modules, class declarations, lexical block scoping, iterators and generators, promises for asynchronous programming, destructuring patterns, and appropriate tail calls are some of the key improvements that have been made.

What precisely is HTML5? The fundamental language of the World Wide Web has undergone its fifth major change. Markup language developed as part of the basic technology of the Internet and used for organizing and presenting content for usage on the World Wide Web is known as HTML5. This version of the HTML standard, which was released by the World Wide Web Consortium in October 2014, is now the complete and final fifth iteration (W3C). The version before that, HTML 4, became the norm in the year 1997.

The "Languages" part of the tech stack is where you'll find both ES6 and HTML5.

Over 98 developers have cited "ES6 code is shorter than traditional JS" as the primary reason for their preference for ES6, while over 436 developers have cited "New doctype" as the primary reason for their preference for HTML5.

  • HTML5

HTML5 is a web markup language that gives programmers the ability to design complex web-based applications that can be accessed and used on any device by using a standard web browser. HTML5 is the result of combining the capability of HTML4, which is now used to power the majority of the web, with the interactive rich-media multimedia capabilities of Adobe Flash.

HTML5 has a number of advantages that native apps do not have, but at the moment, the mobile development industry is dominated by apps that have been natively developed for the iOS and Android mobile operating systems developed by Apple and Google, respectively. To begin, HTML5 is an open standard that is based on the web and may be seen on the web browser of any device. This means that developers are no longer at the mercy of Apple and Google and their exclusive closed ecosystems for native apps, and that you are free to promote your HTML5 application anywhere on the open web.

Second, the open web standards of HTML5 make it possible for companies and app developers to have complete control over the distribution, revenue, and functionality of their mobile applications. Native apps have the advantage of integrated direct payment systems that allow for painless one-click transactions; however, developers are forced to pay the gatekeepers a large cut of the purchase. Apple's App Store and Google's Play marketplaces both take a 30 percent cut of each sale made through their respective platforms.

At the moment, native applications offer a great deal more functionality than HTML5 applications do. In addition, HTML5 is a standard that is constantly changing and is overseen by the World Wide Web Consortium (WSC), which is the primary worldwide standards organization for the world wide web. HTML5 is controlled by an open committee-based consortium. This indicates that development is being made very slowly. New HTML5 standards and functionality need to be agreed upon and then included into web browsers. This is a challenging task to do today because many people are still using older versions of Internet Explorer (versions 6 and 7) that do not offer support for HTML5.

HTML5 is the one programming language that I would recommend learning for the long-term if you were only going to learn one. HTML5 shows all the signs of being a game-changing technology, despite the fact that native apps now have a huge advantage in both appearance and functionality. It is less expensive to create with and enables compatibility across all platforms and devices. Over the course of time, HTML5 will continue to improve, at which point it will capture a larger share of the market for mobile applications.

HTML5 will not replace XML as the primary programming language for the web in the coming year, but during the next three to five years, it will achieve this status. With HTML5, material on the web will become significantly more interactive. Because of the strength of HTML5, it will soon be possible for websites to have the same capabilities and features as a native app running on iOS or Android. It will also make feasible new types of monetization that were not conceivable in the past, and it will probably revitalize the online content publication sector by making it simpler for publishers to generate money off of their work.

Learning HTML5 will be a lot simpler for you if you already have a fundamental understanding of HTML and CSS, both of which can be easily studied online and are prerequisites for learning HTML5. You will be at the forefront of web development if you are also proficient in the construction of HTML5, which is currently the most popular online standard. The following is a collection of some of the best online resources available for learning HTML5 development.

  • JavaScript ES6

If you are a developer, you have undoubtedly already heard a little bit about ECMAScript 6 (ES6), even though it might appear a little perplexing at first sight. When it comes down to it, all it comes down to is this: it's the next version of JavaScript, which brings new language capabilities that you'll be able to use in the long run.

Support for ES6 is progressing nicely in major desktop browsers, with Chrome's compatibility reaching more than 90 percent, Edge's compatibility reaching 80 percent, and Safari's compatibility reaching 54 percent. Only 31% of mobile users using Android 5.1 have support for ES6, but 54% of mobile users running iOS have support for it.

However, you can still use ES6 capabilities right now by using a pre-processor like Babel to cross-compile your JavaScript back to ES5 compliant code for older browsers. Because of this, there is no reason to delay learning about it because you can still use ES6 features right now.

The following is a list of the ES6 features that I am most excited about and which I am working hard to implement.

Variables and constants

You will now be able to define an immutable number in your code that remains consistently the same throughout time thanks to the addition of constant support in JavaScript. If you try to assign something to that constant in the future, you will receive an error message.

When you have a known number that cannot change over the course of time and your application depends on it being the same, you can make use of this feature to your advantage.
A new method of declaring variables in JavaScript is made possible by another brand-new feature known as "let." You are most likely accustomed to defining them using the var keyword, but there is a tiny distinction between the two: scope.

If you define a variable using the let keyword, the scope of that variable is limited to the specific block it is defined within rather than being scoped globally. You can find additional information regarding let and const here.

Functions of arrows

One of the most significant new features introduced with ES6 is the capability to declare a function by utilizing a single '=>' rather than the conventional function expression. It is possible that at first it will appear to be complicated, yet there are obvious benefits for brevity in bigger code bases:

Instead of scoping this and arguments within themselves, the arrow function works differently than the function calls you are used to since it inherits 'this' and 'arguments' from the context directly surrounding it. This is in contrast to the behavior of the function calls you are used to.

Modules Another exciting new idea introduced in ES6 is referred to as Modules, and it is something that programmers working with JavaScript have been utilizing for many years.

There are projects, such as Webpack, that give you the ability to make use of modularization right now. However, ES6 brings it to browsers for the very first time as an integrated component of native JavaScript.

Because of the addition of modularization, starting to learn ES6 right now is a great idea, because it will fundamentally alter the way you work if you haven't previously been making use of modules.

ES6 modules are kept in their own separate files, and each file can only contain a single module at a time. These files continue to utilize the.js file extension.

Every module has the potential to have many named exports, in addition to the ability to export a single default item, such a function. This article goes into great detail on the various complexities that are involved in the various things that you are able to perform with Modules.

The most essential thing to realize is that modules can assist you in organizing your code into chunks that are simpler to maintain, and the examples presented here should assist you in comprehending the advantages of code that is simpler to maintain.

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