Master Classes for Web Designing 2023 | Udemy

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Master Classes for Web Designing Course (HTML, CSS, JS, SEO)

You will Learn 100% Web Development Professionally from 0 to End with HTML, CSS, JS, Creating Website or Templates & SEO. source: 

Master Classes for Web Designing Course (HTML, CSS, JS, SEO)
Master Classes for Web Designing Course (HTML, CSS, JS, SEO)

– [ ] 27 hours on-demand video
– [ ] 82 downloadable resources
– [ ] Full lifetime access


  • You will be able to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SEO, as well as how to create whole websites and web templates.
  • You will have the ability to design a template for a website that is appealing.
  • Website Architecture and Design, Both Complicated and Straightforward
  • Web design that is responsive should be learned.
  • Website SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This training is constantly being brought up to date by our team!

Beginner students who wish to learn Web Design from the most fundamental level all the way up to the most advanced level are the target audience for this course. Because of this, the videos and lectures in this class have been designed in such a way that even a novice may become a capable front-end web designer if they are interested in the subject, put in the effort required, and practice regularly.

You should know that the process of building or designing a website through the use of many talents such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, etc. is known as web designing. If you want to work in the sector of website creation, you will need to educate yourself on a variety of distinct abilities. As is the case with this class, we have included additional lectures that are quite important for a student.

This course on web design master classes includes the following topics and more:

HTML stands for “hypertext markup language,” and it is a hypertext markup language that is used on the web. HTML is a fundamental web language that is used to develop basic websites. For instance, if you want to create a basic structure, insert any media field such as an image, video, or audios, contouring width and height, or create and control text-based content, all of these activities are accomplished with the writing of code in HTML. Another example: if you want to create a basic structure, insert any media field such as an image, video, or audios, contouring width and height, or create and

CSS stands for “cascading style sheet,” and it is this file that determines how a website appears visually as well as its overall appeal. In order to create websites, we are unable to rely solely on HTML; instead, we are required to become proficient in CSS; this is not a voluntary requirement. Because we cannot develop a website using CSS if we do not first have HTML, and we cannot operate with HTML if we do not first have CSS. Because the appeal, attractiveness, and quality design of a website constitute the fundamental component of a prosperous website. In CSS classes, you will master a variety of topics, such as margin and padding, animation, text effects, transforms 2d and 3D, dropdown menus, and more.

JavaScript is a type of programming language that is used to manage the user interface (UI) of a website. Javascript is also known as JScript. It is a well-known and essential web language that is taught by all instructors, regardless of whether the instruction takes place online or offline. There are significant features that may be obtained by using JS with basic and straightforward code. Some examples of these features include HTML element controlling by using DOM, form validation, and others.

If you want to rank your website in a way that is legal and accessible to people all over the world, search engine optimization, or SEO, is what you need. You are required to promote your website in a legal manner. You are required to market your website. Therefore, search engine optimization (SEO) is the method that adheres to the acceptable means to rank or optimize your website in search engines. The first and most important guideline of search engine optimization is that you should design your website in such a way that it will appeal to both your target demographic and the various search engines. Therefore, the website in question ought to prioritize both user and search engine friendliness.

If there is a problem with your comprehension of any subject, feel free to ask me any question at any time. If there is a problem with your comprehension of any subject, I can make an alternate version of a lecture that will clear your concept.

Master in Web Designing Skill 2023
Master in Web Designing Skill 2023


Link đăng ký miễn phí, cập nhật 26.2. 2023, free for 150 enrolls:

Cập nhật link đăng ký miễn phí mới, 27.2.2023 (free for 120 enrolls today):

The Complete HTML5 Course: From Beginning to Expert

Master yourself in HTML5: Interactive way, step by step and easy to follow. Great for Absolute Beginners!!

  • Will be proficient on HTML5 from Basic to Advanced
  • Will be able to create amazing site using HTML5
  • Will be able to work with Audio and Video in HTML5
  • Hands on experience on Data Input and Buttons
  • Hands on experience on Absolute and Relative Links
  • Hands on experience on Tags and Lists
  • Basics and Advanced Concepts on CSS
  • Basics and Advanced Concepts of jQuery



Interactive HTML5: Basics

  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML4 vs. HTML5
  • Making your first HTML page
  • Tools to create HTML files
  • Base HTML Tags
  • Paragraph Tags
  • Break Tags
  • Header Tags
  • Bold and Italic Tags
  • Ordered and unordered Lists

Interactive HTML5: Advanced

  • Difference between Absolute Links and Relative Links
  • Hyperlinking to an external page
  • Hyperlinking to an email address
  • Hyperlinking to a file in your site
  • Playing and controlling audio
  • Playing and controlling video
  • Embedding a video
  • Whats is a Table – Pros and Cons
  • Table properties
  • Adding an iFrame
  • Adding an iFrame: Part 2
  • What is possible with a form using on HTML knowledge
  • Defining the form 
  • Text fields and text areas
  • Radio buttons and check buttons
  • Data input and buttons
  • Proper file structure 
  • Code commenting 
  • Meta tags

Interactive CSS3: Basics

  • What is CSS? Why we need it?
  • What’s new in CSS3
  • CSS Selectors, properties and attributes
  • ID Selectors
  • Class Selectors
  • Element Selectors
  • All Selectors
  • Inline style sheets
  • External Style sheets

Interactive CSS3: Advanced

  • The Box model
  • Adding Color
  • Working with fonts
  • Background images
  • Styling ID tags
  • Float and Clear
  • Block and inline elements
  • Positioning
  • Adding the elements

Interactive Bootstrap: Basic

  • Why Bootstrap? 
  • Downloading Bootstrap
  • Adding Bootstrap in your site
  • Creating navigation 
  • Styling images 
  • Creating the footer 
  • Adding styled buttons

Interactive Bootstrap: Advanced

  • Adding Google Maps
  • Adding an image carousel
  • Adding a contact form

Interactive jQuery: Basics

  • What is jQuery and what you will learn?
  • Downloading jQuery
  • A first look at jQuery code 
  • Selectors and Filters 
  • Replacing contents 
  • Handling events 
  • Hide/Show events 
  • Fading 
  • Slide 
  • Toggle 
  • Animate
  • Selectors 

Who this course is for:

  • Who wanna learn HTML5
  • Who wanna create beautiful site using HTML5
  • Who wanna learn CSS3
  • Who wanna learn jQuery


Link đăng ký miễn phí (1000 slots, 06.6.2022):

CSS And JavaScript Complete Course For Beginners

Learn Complete CSS And JavaScript Programming Language In-depth With CSS And JavaScript Complete Course For Beginners


Have you ever pondered how the most cutting-edge website designs are created? Cascading Style Sheets, also known as CSS, are the primary coding files utilized in the process of laying out and designing a website. The most recent version of the CSS styling standards, version 3, introduces a number of additional properties and declarations that can be utilized to facilitate the creation of an easier-to-use website design. At this time, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the only standard in website design that can be directly plugged into HTML, even the most recent HTML 5 standards. You may give visitors to your website the most up-to-date and interactive pages by using CSS 3 and HTML 5 respectively.

This course will teach you how to design CSS classes from the ground up, starting with the absolute basics. The most fundamental HTML declarations, properties, and values are covered first, followed by instructions on how to include a CSS style sheet into your HTML code. Even if you host your website on a cloud server, those of you who are just getting started with CSS and HTML can follow along as we walk you through the process of creating a CSS file and incorporating it into your HTML code.

We walk you through the steps of correctly positioning your elements, laying out your elements in relation to your documents, and styling your HTML with specified CSS values. In this lesson, we walk you through the fundamental CSS styling that you’ll need to know in order to get started designing pages. This course is designed for you if you want to learn CSS and website design, and it can be utilized by anyone who hasn’t even seen a single line of CSS code at this point in their learning journey. We concentrate on the most recent versions of the CSS 3 and HTML 5 standards so that you can acquire the most recent code when you are coding the pages of your website rather than concentrating on older code.

There is not a precondition of any kind. Anyone is welcome to enroll in this class. However, it is highly suggested that individuals have at least some fundamental knowledge of computer programming and many more.

Link đăng ký miễn phí cập nhật 06.6.2022:

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