(Udemy) Python Complete Course For Python Beginners | Free

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Python Complete Course For Python Beginners

“Python Complete Course For Python Beginners.Learn Python From Beginner To Advanced Level

Python Complete Course For Python Beginners
Python Complete Course For Python Beginners

(2,467 ratings)/219,457 students

  • 7.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

(source: Udemy)

What you’ll learn


  • Only the very basic computer skills are needed
  • A computer, Access to the internet, An interest in learning Python


Learn Python From Beginner To Advanced Level

I’ve created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which you’ll easily understand and absorb. The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.
The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish becoming a professional Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.

The topics covered in this course are:

* Beginner to Expert Python contents:

Array implementation
File methods
Keywords and Identifiers
Python Tuples
Python Basics
Python Fundamentals
Data Structures
Object-Oriented Programming with Python
Functional Programming with Python
Testing in Python
Error Handling
Regular Expressions

  • See you inside the course!

Who this course is for:

Source: udemy.com

Link đăng ký: https://www.udemy.com/course/python-complete-course-for-beginners/?couponCode=4C02536E3E747FB2CE50

CSS And JavaScript Complete Course For Beginners

Learn Complete CSS And JavaScript Programming Language In-depth With CSS And JavaScript Complete Course For Beginners (Udemy)

CSS And JavaScript Complete Course For Beginners
CSS And JavaScript Complete Course For Beginners
  • 4 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

What you’ll learn

  • Introduction to CSS And JavaScript concepts
  • Theory And Practical demonstrations of CSS concepts
  • Write CSS Scripts And Understanding Concepts
  • Practically Getting Started With CSS Styles, CSS 2D Transform, CSS 3D Transform
  • Getting Started With Javascript Variables,Values and Data Types, Operators and Operands
  • Write JavaScript scripts and Gain knowledge in regard to general javaScript programming concepts
  • Introduction And Use of JavaScript Variables, JavaScript Arrays, JavaScript Objects
  • Introduction And Use Of Conditional Statements In JavaScript


  • Basic Computer Knowledge
  • Basic HTML Knowledge


Learn CSS And Javascript Complete Course For Beginners

Section 1- CSS Course with basics and advanced concepts of CSS

  • Ever wonder how the latest website designs are made? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the main coding files used to layout a website and its design. CSS 3 is the latest in styling standards, and it brings several new properties and declarations you can use to make your website design more easily created. CSS is currently the only standard in website design that plugs directly into your HTML, even the latest HTML 5 standards. With CSS 3 and HTML 5, you can create the latest interactive pages for your website viewers.
  • This course shows you how to create CSS classes from a beginner’s level. It starts off with basic HTML declarations, properties, values, and how to include a CSS style sheet with your HTML code. For those of you who are new to CSS and HTML, we show you step-by-step how to create a CSS file and include it in your HTML code, even if you use a cloud server for your hosting.
  • We show you how to position your elements, layout your elements relative to your documents, and style your HTML using predefined CSS values. We introduce you to the common CSS styling that you’ll need when you start off designing your pages. If you want to get to know CSS and website design, this course is meant for you, and it can be used by anyone who hasn’t even seen one line of CSS code yet. We focus on the latest CSS 3 and HTML 5 standards, so you get the latest when coding your website pages instead of focusing on older code.
  • There are no prerequisites. Anyone Can join this course. It is recommended though that individual have some basic computer programming knowledge.
  • Course Topics
  • Introduction to CSS
  • Inclusion Of CSS In HTML
  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Styling Text
  • CSS Page Backgrounds
  • CSS 2D Transform
  • CSS 3D Transform
  • CSS Animation
    And More….

    Section 2- Learn Javascript Programming Language

    • The course is created with thorough, extensive, but easy-to-follow content that you’ll easily understand and absorb.
      The course starts with the basics, including JavaScript fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.
      The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish to become a professional Javascript developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Javascript basics and programming fundamentals, and then execute into real-life practice and be ready for the real world.
    • While Javascript is complicated for beginners to learn, it is widely used in many web development areas.
    • This course gets you started with an introduction to JavaScript. It assumes that you’re new to the language, so it gets you started with basic functionality such as creating functions, creating variables, and calling these lines of code from your standard HTML pages. It talks about events and triggers for custom event handling. It talks about pattern matching, searching for text within a page, flow control, and the document object model (DOM). We start off with the basics and move on to more complex functionality such as arrays and objects. We then discuss how to script common elements with JavaScript such as forms and tables. At the very end, we discuss major libraries such as Ajax, which allows you to make asynchronous calls to server-side scripts without reloading the web page in the server.
    • Master the fundamentals of writing Javascript scripts
    • Learn core Javascript scripting elements such as variables and Objects
    • Discover how to work with lists and sequence data
    • Write Javascript functions to facilitate code reuse
    • Use Javascript to read and write files
    • Make their code robust by handling errors and exceptions properly
    • Search text using regular expressions
    • The topics covered in this course are:
      * Javascript Course Contents:
    • Javascript Introduction
    • Javascript Array
    • Javascript Variables
    • Javascript Functions
    • Javascript Objects
    • Javascript Control Statements
    • Javascript Cookies
    • Javascript Loop statements
    • Javascript Data Structures
    • Javascript Error Handling
    • Javascript Regular Expressions
    • See you inside the course
  • Thank you see you inside the course

Who this course is for:

  • For People New to CSS And JavaScript
  • For People Who want to learn CSS And JavaScript Fundamentals and later Transition into Web Designing
  • For People New to Web Designing”

Source: udemy.com 

Link đăng ký: https://www.udemy.com/course/css-and-javascript-complete-course-for-beginners/?couponCode=44C5647E9DB8ED42F131

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