Popping Dance For Beginners | Free

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Popping Dance For Beginners

Learn 10 BASIC Popping Moves and Techniques!

Popping Dance For Beginners
Popping Dance For Beginners

Source: udemy.com

  • Have you ever seen robot dancers in the streets? You know, the ones who are painted in all silver and they only move when you put a $1 dollar bill in their box!
  • What do you think of those well-known dancers online?
  • The ones with amazing dancers from shows like Step Up, World of Dance and So You Think You Can Dance?

You now have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of robot and popping without ever having to set foot inside a dance class.

  • Maybe you don’t have experience
  • Or perhaps you are too self-conscious to go to class.
  • It’s possible that your region doesn’t have any certified teachers.
  • You might not be sure if you’re ready to commit to weekly sessions!

I am going to break down how to execute the basic robot and 10 beginner Popping methods into easy steps that anyone can follow in order to show you how to do them.

You are free to go at your own pace, and there is no obligation to try to keep up with the other people doing the activity. It is not a problem if, at first, you trip on two left feet and seem completely weird, like a middle-aged man dressed as a clown. In fact, this is completely normal.

It’s possible that you won’t become an expert overnight, but you will undoubtedly pick up some party tricks, gain some self-assurance, and acquire the building blocks that will allow you to progress.

You might have seen dancers like Jaja Vankova, Jabbawockeez, Poppin John and more…. They all began on day one, just like you are doing now. We all started from the ground up, and you can do it too!

This training is designed for individuals who have no previous experience with popping dance. You don’t need any prior experience in dance to participate. If you have some experience already, I will recommend my intermediate or advanced courses.

  • If you would like more information, here’s a course outline below:
  • Things that you’ll pick up on:
  • Keeping time with the rhythm of the music
  • How to do basic popping ‘hits’
  • Fundamental actions of a robot
  • Body and arm waves, toyman, twist-o-flex, and a number of other moves are included.
  • Each class will have one choreographed routine.

It is not a problem if you think things are difficult. I’m going to walk you through the process from start to finish, and you won’t even have to change out of your PJs. I promise. However, at the very least, please wash them.

The goals of this training are that you will have an understanding of the fundamental robot and be able to dance popping at a level that is comfortable for a novice.

Just picture yourself being able to wow your family, whether it be your mother or father, your husband or wife, your friends, or your children, with the fresh new dance moves you’ve learned.

You will have access to my Popping music playlist so that you may practice at home with the music that is most appropriate for this kind of dance.

This program is exactly what you need if you want to obtain a fun activity that allows you to express yourself creatively as well as learn how to dance in social settings such as parties or get-togethers with friends. You are going to get some fun party tricks as a bare minimum!

Your self-assurance will increase as a result of this. What exactly do you stand to lose by trying?

You are going to remember these moves for the rest of your life, and they are appropriate for people of any age. You don’t have to be a young athletic 20 year old to be able to do the robot. When you’re older, your grandkids will think you’re awesome.

Link đăng ký miễn phí: https://www.udemy.com/course/popping-dance-for-beginners/?couponCode=65697BF3C367A86F06A7

Full Beginners Guide to Micrososft PowerPoint

Preparing PowerPoint slides

Full Beginners Guide to Micrososft PowerPoint Preparing PowerPoint slides
Full Beginners Guide to Micrososft PowerPoint
Preparing PowerPoint slides

What you’ll learn

  • Opening a PowerPoint from Templates
  • PowerPoint slide design example
  • Slide Animations
  • Slide Transitions
  • Slide Design Ideas
  • Customizing ribbons
  • Saving and printing slides in pdf, png and jpeg
  • Drawing in PowerPoint slides
  • Inserting video clips
  • Inserting images
  • Downloading and customizing free templates (tinyppt)
  • How to use SmartArt
  • How to create QR code
  • Remove image background
  • Adjust slides sizes
  • Adding sections in PowerPoint
  • Adding timer in PowerPoint
  • Creating videos/subscriber count
  • 20 Shortcut keys in PowerPoint
  • Taking screenshots in PowerPoint
  • Top 5 PowerPoint Add-ins
  • Creating animated GIF files
  • Getting and using PowerPoint Free online

Source: udemy.com

Presently, one of the most used pieces of software used for presentations is PowerPoint. It is included in the Microsoft Office suite and can be utilized for a variety of reasons, including educational, professional, and personal use.

This software makes it possible for users of any level of experience to create their own presentations out of text, photographs, videos, audios, and tables of data. Users can start out as novices or progress to become skilled public speakers. There is a wide selection of animations and transitions, in addition to a large number of visuals, that can be utilized to assist in delivering the presentation in the manner that the audience desires. Keep in mind that the slides are intended for them, not you!


Web Design for Beginners: Build Websites in HTML & CSS 2022

Learn the Basics of HTML and CSS and get Started with Web Design

Source: udemy.com

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to set up the right tools for your web development process
  • Grasp the main concepts that every developer should know
  • Learn the basics of HTML up to the advanced level
  • Learn the basics of CSS and how it works hand in hand with HTML
  • Create simple yet beautiful designs as you go
  • Get advanced with HTML and CSS and dive deeper in advanced parts

Do you want to get started with web design, front-end development, or web development in general? You are in for a real treat if the answer to that question is yes. In this course, you will learn all you need to know about HTML and CSS, which are basically the beginning point of your career as a web developer. The information that you acquire in this course will prepare you for the career that you want. So why did you decide to go in this direction? Why is there not another option? Because I have made it my personal mission to ensure that every aspect of the class is not just educational but also entertaining and useful, too. I broke everything down for you in easy-to-understand detail, and in addition, throughout the course, you will be given with and supported with PowerPoint presentations, code examples, articles, and exercises, along with so much more!!

To elaborate a little bit more: After that, we are going to proceed to HTML basic elements, syntax, attributes, and a simple intro to CSS up to some intermediate areas like lists, tables, up to some hardcore areas like forms, classes, and entities. I will begin by explaining how the internet works, how to work with text editors, and what browsers are. After that, I will introduce you to some key definitions and terms that are concerned with web development or programming in general. For example, I will explain how text editors work. then after that, we will discuss CSS. It was not my intention for this course to cover all aspects of CSS; nevertheless, as I began developing the course, I became aware of the many ways in which CSS can be of assistance when working with HTML.

So I developed an entire course on CSS just for you. I began by reviewing and providing an introduction to the fundamental concepts, up to margins and paddings, text and typefaces, and then I moved on to providing training for more complex topics such as position and float. Therefore, if you don’t want to lose out on this adventure, go ahead and enroll in the class right now, and I guarantee that you will have an amazing, thought-provoking, and pleasurable time learning with me.


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