Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity

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Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity

Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity
Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity

Work Smarter, Not Harder: BEST Time Management Course

  • 2.5 hours on-demand video
  • 18 articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

What you’ll learn

  • Time Management
  • Setting Goals
  • Task Management
  • Schedule Management
  • Managing Daily Tasks
  • Deadline Management
  • Overcoming Obstacles to Productivity
  • Measuring Your Time Management Skills


Hi ! I’m Pradeep Prajapati, your Instructor for this course. I know you are facing problems in your life for managing the most valuable asset of your life, and that asset is your time. In this course you will learn

This course lays a common frame of understanding by exploring what people believe about time management, enumerating the benefits of time management, formally defining the term time management, briefly going over the history of time management, and showing how time management can lead to success.

I will also teach you about Setting Goals, which will help you in setting a clear direction by establishing values, visions, and goals. When values, visions, goals, and actions are congruent, the results will be in line with expectations

Task Management, is the cornerstone of time management. Earl Nightingale said that time cannot be managed except through the control of activities. I have created a separate section for task management which will shows you how activities can be managed by making lists, prioritizing, and pruning. This section also shows how dependent actions and sequences of actions can be managed together.

We will also cover the biggest problem of human life Managing Daily Tasks , this section will shows you how to manage the day’s activities. It is important to know how much time is available and how long any task will take in order to make a realistic list of tasks for the day. This sets achievable expectations.

Deadline Management, focuses on getting things done on time. deadline management ensures that you do something by a given time. Deadline management addresses issues and obstacles that prevent on time completion of tasks. These issues include Parkinson’s Law, procrastination, Murphy’s Law, and risks.

Section 7, Overcoming Obstacles to Productivity, covers tactics to get work done quickly and with fewest errors. This includes dealing with interruptions and distractions. It also covers areas of self-discipline such as preparation, organization, delegation, and accepting responsibility.

Section 8, Measuring Your Time Management Skills, shows how to measure the effectiveness of time management. It is said that if you cannot measure it you cannot manage it. The metrics covered in this chapter show productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. Metrics boost self image and allow you to take pride in your achievements.

I guarantee you. This is the only course you need to become super productive. If you feel that you have not learned a valuable skill in this course then you can take your money back because this course comes with a 30 days money back guarantee. See you in the course.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is best for the person, who wants to learn how to save time.” (Source: udemy.com)

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The Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation

The Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation
The Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation

“Learn To Form Habits That Will Increase The Chances Of Success In Your Personal And Professional Life

What you’ll learn

  • Have a blast and learn a lot of highly-useful information that can change your life
  • Learn how to take action no matter how you feel
  • Learn how to leverage small daily actions into huge life accomplishments
  • See why habits are the framework of every person’s life, and the most impactful way to change your life
  • Master the most effective habit-building and life-changing strategy the world has ever seen
  • Discover if motivation or willpower is a better foundation for taking consistent action
  • Why simply reading books and watching videos about good habits has no impact on you
  • Learn to Cut out the bad habits that cost hours in the day for no reason.
  • Have more time for the things that matter in your life.
  • Establish work habits like working on your most important projects, pitching new clients or writing.


  • Courage
  • Ready to take action
  • Abandon the “I knew that” mindset


The Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation

If you lies in any of the below point:-

. Procrastinate when we have difficult work to do.

  • Avoid exercise and seek the comforts of the Internet.
  • Eat unhealthy food and gain too much weight.
  • Become overwhelmed, stressed out, full of anxiety.
  • Put off meeting new people because we’re afraid.
  • Avoid pursuing our dreams, building a business, finding our fulfilling careers.
  • Avoid facing our debts so we can start building a stronger financial foundation.
  • Put off our creative pursuits or the learning we’ve been wanting to do.
  • Fail at new habits.
  • Smoke, drink to excess, become addicted to drugs, even though we know these things aren’t good for us.
  • Doubt ourselves, feel bad about ourselves, compare ourselves to others.
  • Become angry, frustrated, judgmental of others.

What you’ll learn from this course isn’t how to make yourself a better person—it’s how to remove the things that get in your way. When we do that, we have happiness, peace. We no longer feel anxious, we don’t need to procrastinate, we let go of anger and resentment, and we can fully live in this moment, enjoying it. That’s what this course is about. Delving into the One Problem of the Mind Movie, and practicing with this method by experimenting with a small change . . . and in the process, mastering the skills of discomfort and change. With these skills, we’ll learn to form mindful habits that will make us good at any change we want to make and learn the flexibility we need to stick to that change for the long term. We’ll learn to deal with stress and anxiety, with frustration with ourselves and others, with procrastination and debt, and more. We’ll become masters of change. This is the  Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation.

One small step at a time. It’s the only way to truly understand the concepts of the change—put them into practice. What I’ve laid out is a step-by-step plan for change, one step at the end of each day.  You’ll pick one small change to make, and implement it during the course. This means you’ll be taking the first step in getting used to discomfort, and also practicing a key principle that has helped me to change my life completely: Slow Change. It’s profoundly important, and yet slow change is difficult for most people because they want results right away. Finally, this course will require a commitment: you’ll need to set aside time to learn and practice it. This small time investment, of just 10 minutes a day, will result in great changes in your life if you can commit to it.

In the end of each day, I have issue a exercise for you that will help you to commit to making one small change in your life as you go through this course.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is best for the person, who wants to learn how to form new habits.” (Source: udemy.com)

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